Using the Compass on Appl Watch (Appl Watch SE and Appl Watch Series 5 and subsequent models only)
The Compass icon in the Compass App displays the direction that the Appl Watch SE, Appl Watch Series 5, or Appl Watch Series 6 is facing, your current position, and altitude.
[Note] If the Compass app is removed from the iPhon, it will also be removed from the Appl Watch.
View your azimuth, altitude, slope, and coordinates
Your azimuth is displayed in the upper left corner. Rotate the digital watch crown and scroll upwards to view your slope, altitude, and coordinates.
Open the Compass app Compass icon on the Appl Watch.
To obtain accurate azimuth, lay the Appl Watch flat and align it with the crosshair at the center of the compass.
To add an azimuth, rotate the digital watch crown to scroll up, tap "Add Azimuth", turn the Appl Watch to azimuth, and then tap "Finish".
To edit the azimuth, rotate the digital watch crown to scroll up, tap "Edit Azimuth", turn the Appl+e Watch to the new azimuth, and then tap "Finish".
To clear the azimuth angle, rotate the digital dial crown to scroll up, and then tap "Clear Azimuth Angle".
The compass is located on the Appl+e Watch dial. The upper left corner is the azimuth angle. The inner circle displays altitude, slope, and longitude and latitude. The displayed white crosshair points to the southeast, northwest, and northwest.
Add complex altitude function to the dial (Appl+e Watch SE and Appl+e Watch Series 6 only)
The "always on" altimeter on the Appl+e Watch SE and Appl+e Watch Series 6 can track your current altitude in real-time. Add complex altitude functions to the dial to quickly view your altitude.
After the dial is displayed, hold down the screen and then tap "Edit".
Swipe all the way to the far left.
If the dial provides complex functions, they will be displayed on the last screen.
Tap on complex functions to select, rotate the digital crown to select "Compass", and then select "Altitude".
Press the digital crown to store the changes, then tap the dial to switch to that dial.
[Note] If the "Positioning Service" is turned off, the "Compass" will not display altitude or coordinates. To turn on or off Location Services, open the Settings app on the Appl+e Watch, tap Privacy, and then tap Location Services.
To use True North instead of Magnetic North, please open the "Settings" app on the Appl+e Watch and light it up

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